Get Involved

As you know, being a student at Prior Park College is about more than just learning, it is also about being an active part of the community and helping those around you. We are lucky that so many of our alumni come back into the College and talk to the Sixth Form in their General Studies lessons, or offer to mentor or provide work experience opportunities. Your dedication and enthusiasm is much appreciated and it shows our students that they are part of a larger community who will always be there to help and guide them.

If you would like to come and talk to the students or offer some time mentoring, please contact the Alumni Office, email

Any ideas as to how we can broaden our alumni engagement will be most welcome.

Luke Price (PPA 1989) visited the College from the Royal Opera House. He gave a masterclass to a number of the College vocalists and also spoke to the music scholars about his career in opera. 

Katy Blane (PPA 2017) came in to talk to the sixth form textiles students about her experience and, in particular, her role at Ralph Lauren. 

Dr Julie McEnery (PPA 1989) works in the field of high energy gamma-ray astrophysics and is the project scientist for the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope at NASA. She spoke to the students, alumni, parents and local astronomers about ‘exploring the extreme universe.’ She presented us with mind-blowing facts about how the galaxy can be seen using Fermi, which she designed, built and sent into space. 

Kieran Kelly (PPA 2015) spoke to the Sixth Form about The Oddballs Foundation, which raises awareness of testicular cancer. He explained that testicular cancer can occur at any age and showed students the technique for self checking.