11-18  Co-educational Catholic Senior School in Bath

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Ages 3 - 11

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Ages 11- 18


Inspections and Reports

We are happy to provide these reports here, so you can review for yourself the values and assets of the College, outlined by educational specialists and assessors.

ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection 2023
This report shows that the College has met each of the eight standards required and is fully compliant.

ISI Inspection Report

Prior Park College has been rated ‘Excellent’ following the ISI inspection in September 2017. The new Educational Quality Inspections (EQI) report focuses on two main areas: the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development. Prior Park is one of the first schools judged according to the ISI’s revised framework for inspection – to be awarded the highest category ‘excellent’ in both areas is an outstanding achievement.

Key findings from the report highlight the rapid progress pupils make in their learning “and as a consequence they have outstanding achievements within and beyond the classroom.” It also notes the “great enthusiasm” demonstrated by the pupils and how “exceptionally well” students work together with their teachers, “Pupils enjoy a great deal of success in academic exams.” The inspectors recognised many areas of excellence across the College, stating the “success in a wide range of pursuits such as art and design, music and sports reflects the extensive range of talents possessed by pupils.”

It is not only in the areas of academic and co-curricular activities that Prior Park scores highly. The inspectors were equally impressed at the level of pastoral care at the College stating, “Pupils understand what is needed to keep themselves healthy both physically and mentally and have a strong sense of well-being.” The report also states, “Pupils are excellent citizens within their own community and have developed the capabilities to make wider contributions to the wider world.”

ISI Short Visit Report MArch 2022

Diocesan Inspection Report

We are proud to be a school which helps to ground our young people in a strong set of values and allow them to explore their own relationship with their own faiths. We are confident that what our school is doing, and has always done, is right for our students. There is so much in this report that is positive about our outstanding school. That the new Inspection Framework deems us to require improvement is not something we take lightly. Indeed, it is something that we take very seriously. We shall reflect upon the recommendations of the report, and where we can and should adapt our practices then we shall. At every turn though, we will aspire to continue to be the school that the first line of this Inspection recognises us as. That is, an ‘inclusive community where diversity is valued, and relationships are underpinned by love and mutual respect.’ We believe that is why parents choose this school, and we know that is why our students thrive here.   
Ben Horan, Headmaster
March 2024
To read the full letter from Mr Horan please click here.

ISI Boarding Inspection Report

The report from our recent Boarding Standards Inspection is now available to view or download . This ‘Interim report’ is about meeting the National Minimum Standards for boarding. 

Good Schools Guide Review

The Good Schools' Guide recently gave Prior Park College a glowing review. Please find a short excerpt below, and click on the link below to view the whole document.

'Confident in its Catholic values, happy in its own skin and distinctive in its commitment to a genuinely all-round education, this is a school which inspires esteem and affection in equal measure.'

Muddy Stilettos
'This independent co-ed senior school may have a grand setting but the education is far from grandiose: it's down-to-earth, holistic and with happiness and wellbeing at the core.

Parents describe the school as inclusive, nurturing, a place where kids are encouraged to think for themselves and develop a love of learning. Pastoral care was highly praised, tailored to each child, with dedicated staff whose sole desire is for their pupils to achieve their maximum – one parent said the school was a forum for achievement. Pupils rave about the new health and wellbeing centre. Above all, this is a happy school.'


OFSTED Inspection Report

Prior Park College received an 'outstanding' report from Ofsted following an inspection in December 2009.

To give you some context here are the inspection judgements and what they mean: Outstanding - this aspect of the provision is of exceptionally high quality. Good - this aspect of the provision is strong. Satisfactory - this aspect of the provision is sound. Inadequate - this aspect of the provision is not good enough.

And here are our Inspection Results:
Helping children to be healthy - Outstanding.
Protecting children from harm or neglect and helping them stay safe - Outstanding.
Helping children achieve well and enjoy what they do - Outstanding.
Helping children make a positive contribution - Outstanding.
Achieving economic wellbeing - Good.
Organisation - Outstanding.