11-18 Co-educational Christian school in the Catholic tradition

Part of the Prior Park Schools Family

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The Paragon School

Ages 3 - 11

Prior Park Gibraltar

Ages 11- 18


School Chaplaincy

Our Chaplaincy team has a special responsibility for nurturing and sustaining the religious character of the College and for maintaining a clear focus on its life as a Christian community. These responsibilities include the sacramental and prayer life of the College and liaising closely with the Personal Development Programme Co-ordinator. Prior Park takes seriously the practical implications of ecumenism e.g. preparation for Catholic or Anglican Confirmation is offered.

Regular optional retreats are available to most year groups, where Christian prayer and reflection are nurtured. Sunday Mass is celebrated by staff and boarders, and we welcome day families who wish to join us. There is a whole school Mass for all solemnities. Families can enjoy their child's first Holy Communion and/or Confirmation in the Chapel. A special Leavers’ Mass is held on Leavers' Day at the end of the academic year.

The school's role is to educate the whole child, who is open to the richness of different cultures. Theology is a core essential for all students at Prior Park, with Religion & Philosophy a GCSE and A Level option. All Sixth Formers follow a general Religious Education programme. Students are regularly involved in fundraising projects in aid of local and global charities. Our extensive Personal Development Programme is designed to explore important moral, social and spiritual issues.