11-18 Co-educational Christian school in the Catholic tradition

Part of the Prior Park Schools Family

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The Paragon School

Ages 3 - 11

Prior Park Gibraltar

Ages 11- 18



Helping students know themselves and act with compassion in the world around them

As part of our mission to steward a thriving family of communities, our PSHE curriculum is at the centre of helping our students prepare to thrive in a global community after they leave us. We hope to work in partnership with parents and guardians, so that conversations started in a PSHE lesson can be continued at home.

A holistic PSHE education starts with helping students to know themselves, in order to understand their health and wellbeing, to identify their values and how to act with integrity. In their relationships with others, they should have the skills to connect and protect, with a focus on consent in all its forms. They need to be safe online and to understand the impact of technology on their mental health. In the wider world, we want our students to be curious, generous towards others, and to stand up for what they believe with courage; not only to understand tolerance, but to know acceptance and strive for celebration of diversity.

In accordance with government guidance, our curriculum is split into those three themes across the year: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Issues in the Wider World. Within these themes students’ knowledge and skills build over the years through a spiral curriculum that returns to topics in greater detail year on year. Students develop a deeper and more complex understanding of themselves and society, alongside developing skills to thrive.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is compulsory in all UK schools and is taught alongside building self-worth, communication skills and a firm understanding of consent. In line with guidance from the UK government, World Health Organisation and United Nations, contraception is taught in Lower 5 (Year 10).

As the world changes, our curriculum adapts regularly to the needs of our students – this year’s scheme of work can be found below, alongside resources to support conversations at home.
PSHE overview
NSPCC Support & advice for parents  
YoungMinds Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child   
NHS Mental Health for Children Advice for parents 
Headmaster's Letter to Parents Mobiles and Parties