Prior Park College prides itself on its pastoral care and we aim to provide a safe, stimulating and positive environment.
We are very much a community that looks out for each other and after each other.
Our dedicated staff aim to provide pastoral care of an encouraging, supportive and disciplined nature. We expect our community to be aware that pupils may experience occasional problems which make them unhappy and we ask all pupils and staff to be sympathetic and supportive.
All pupils are members of a House and the House System generates a wonderful sense of community as well as providing easy and appropriate channels of communication for pupils, instilling positive values, whilst Housemasters and Housemistresses offer encouragement and support to each student within their care.
Understanding others, learning to express oneself, tolerance and developing friendships with a wide range of people are vital. We provide a range of information and support for pupils and we address relevant current issues that may be a cause of anxiety.
Pastoral issues are addressed through school assemblies, House assemblies, pastoral period and the Personal Development Programme.
Prior Park's trained counsellor, Jan Robertson, is based in the Health and Wellbeing Centre. Students can access the Counselling Service through our self referral system or by talking to a member of the pastoral team. Our Lay Chaplain is also a source of support and care.
Peer Mentors
As part of our pastoral support for students, we have many members of the Upper Sixth trained as Peer Mentors. These students complete a seven week training course, including lessons on listening skills, body language, safeguarding and work with the Samaritans and Focus Counselling.
Our students can receive support from Peer Mentors through their House, tutor groups, one to one sessions and a weekly support meeting.
We base all our wellbeing education around an initiative devised by our Peer Mentors, Prior Park’s Six Pillars of Wellbeing: Activity, Sleep, Diet, Faith, Service, Kindness.