11-18 Co-educational Christian school in the Catholic tradition

Part of the Prior Park Schools Family

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The Paragon School

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Prior Park Gibraltar

Ages 11- 18



First page of the PDF file: PPC_UniformPosters_L3U5_Sept23
First page of the PDF file: PPC_UniformPosters_SixthForm_Sept23

Our uniforms contribute to a sense of community.Lower 3 - Upper 5 (Years 7-11) students wear a uniform that is designed to be smart - it also removes the need and pressure for students to make daily fashion decisions.  

Students in Sixth Form (Years 12-13) wear their own smart, office-style suits.

School sportswear is required for all years.

School Uniform
New school uniform is available from John Moore Sports: 2 Argyle Street, Bath BA1 4BA. 
The shop runs on an appointment-only basis between July - September to allow the time and space required for each customer. Their appointment system applies to both new and existing pupils. In order to book an appointment, please phone +44(0) 1225 466341, or click this link https://johnmooresports.setmore.com, which will take you to their online booking system. We recommend 1-hour time slots for any new starters and half-hour time slots for existing pupils. Additionally, we do advise booking an appointment sooner rather than later, as the shop does tend to become extremely busy in the last couple of weeks of the summer holidays.
Of course, you can also purchase your school uniform and or sports equipment online, www.johnmooresports.co.uk,

Second Hand Uniform
The Parents of Prior (POP) Uniform Shop stocks a large amount of donated clothing and is an excellent way of getting new or extra clothing for school and sports activities. All money raised is for the benefit of the children at PPC. The uniform shop opens at least once a half term with dates advertised in the weekly school newsletter, Prior Knowledge. 
For more information on second-hand uniform please contact the Uniform Shop team at  uniformshop@parentsofprior.uk

POP has produced a form to help families work out which items they need and the ideal quantity for each item, here.

Our Uniform Policy gives details on College standards surrounding uniform.